blogger prompt week 11

Expectations and Values - What are they good for?


1. What are expectations and values? Use a dictionary to define each word.
a strong belief that something will happen or be the case. 

values-the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

2. Why do we have expectations and values in our classroom, school and community?
so went know what the teacher expects from us to do.

3. What are some of the expectations in your classroom?
work hard with maxi-min effort, look cool,be clean and tidy

4. How do your classroom expectations influence your learning?
To make you remember to keep going and to respecting others

5. What would your classroom be like if you had no expectations and you could
do whatever you wanted?
loud,people moving, no work getting done.

6. If you could make an expectation for your class what would it be and why?
Keep going

7. What are your school values? How are they displayed in your classroom and at your
respect,excellence,perseverance. respect- others. excellence-be you.perseverance- keep going.
8. How do you get recognised for displaying your school values?
By doing the right thing.

9. How do you think your school values link to your learning in your classroom?
You just have to preserver and just respect others.

10. What are your family values and why are they important? If you don't have any come
up with some - what would be important values in your family and why ? My family doses not have any


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