blogger prompt- week 7
The message is - YOU MATTER.
We want you to think about how you are awesome. We want to know how you are a genius. Everyone has their own unique talents and abilities. What are yours? We would love to hear all about them.
Questions for this week.
Q1. Why are you awesome? What is your Genius (something you are good at)?
I am awesome because I can do the splits and a back walk over
Q2. What would you like to change in the world around you?
I would like to hopefully help endangered animals
Q3. How do you think that you could do this?
I think that i can do it by rasing money for the animals
Q1. Why are you awesome? What is your Genius (something you are good at)?
I am awesome because I can do the splits and a back walk over
Q2. What would you like to change in the world around you?
I would like to hopefully help endangered animals
Q3. How do you think that you could do this?
I think that i can do it by rasing money for the animals
Remember “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love”
– Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Q4. What is the best thing that a Teacher has ever said to you?
That i was doing a good job
Q5. Think of a time when you have achieved a goal. Tell us what this felt like.
I achieved my goal not long a go and it felt really amazing
Q6. Do you have some learning that you are really proud of?
so far it would be my inquire
Q7. Name five people that you would put on a "Dream Team" to encourage and inspire you. Are they famous people, successful people, members of your family?
my mum,dad and both of my sisters and my best friend
Q8. Why are these people amazing to you?
because they inspire me every day
Q9. What makes you feel proud?
That i was doing a good job
Q5. Think of a time when you have achieved a goal. Tell us what this felt like.
I achieved my goal not long a go and it felt really amazing
Q6. Do you have some learning that you are really proud of?
so far it would be my inquire
Q7. Name five people that you would put on a "Dream Team" to encourage and inspire you. Are they famous people, successful people, members of your family?
my mum,dad and both of my sisters and my best friend
Q8. Why are these people amazing to you?
because they inspire me every day
Q9. What makes you feel proud?
every thing
Q10: Go on 5 different class mates blogs and leave some cool comments
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