blogger prompt week 5

The New Zealand Election

This week in KidsedchatNZ, we are talking about the upcoming New Zealand election. New Zealand's next general election is taking place on 23 September.


Q1: What is an election? What type of election do we have in New Zealand?
election is when you vote and we have a election for prime minister

Q:2 Why do we have elections in New Zealand?
we have elections so we can see who gets voted for prime minister

Q3: What happens during an election?
people vote and listen to what people have to say

Q4: What do you think would happen if we did not have elections and people did not vote? we would not have a go prime minister

Q5: Who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand? How did he become the prime minister? bill English he became prime minister because he was already deputy prime minister

Q6: Why do you think it is important that people vote in elections?
it important to vote so we can get a good prime minister
Q7: If you became Prime Minister what is the first thing you would change?
i would try to get most homeless people of the streets
Q8: How do you think our government can make New Zealand ‘more awesome’ like the Kid President? yes

Q9: What do you think the Prime Minister’s main job is during the day?
to make shore that we have a safe enoverment 
Q10: Even though you can’t vote what are some ways we can make sure our voices get heard?
we can share are thoughts


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