blogger prompt week 7

Classrooms of the future

Classrooms of the future

Righto, get those imaginations going! We want you to think about your current classroom and what a classroom could look like in the future.

    1.What about your classroom do you really like?
    my friends and learning area  
      2.What are the things that you find difficult in your classroom?
        3.What would you do in your classroom to improve it?
          4.What is your favourite piece of furniture in your classroom? Why?
          i don't have one 
            5.If you have no budget what one thing would you buy for your classroom that would help your learning? Why?
            more computers
              6.What would your dream classroom look like? 
              i would have it the same way 
                7.What would the technology look like that you would use in your dream classroom?
                not sore but they would look cool
                  8.What would a classroom look like in ten years time?
                  we would not have books we would just have computers 


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