blogger prompt week 4

  1. What skills or qualities does a person need to have to be a Leader of a Country? Do you have these skills? they would need leadership, confidents,
  2. How does the Government of New Zealand affect you? I don't know
  3. If you wanted to change something at your School, what would it be? the class rooms
  4. How would you go about making that change? Could you lead that change and what skills would you need? not shore
  5. What problems do you think New Zealand children are facing? Why are they having these problems? homelessness and it is happening because there parents have no money
  6. How could we help the children who are having these problems? by  raising money
  7. Does your School do anything to help your local community? (Fundraising etc)  yes  
  8. What is more important - helping yourself or helping others? helping others


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