blogger prompt week 3


Q1. Who makes up your family? What position were you born in your family? Oldest? Youngest? Middle? What's it like being that position?
i am the youngest in my family it can be annoying at times but also good  

Q2. What is special about your family? What do you love about your family?
my family is special because we all love camping and we all love going on the boat 

Q3. Would you prefer to be in a big family or small family? Why?
i would like to be in a middle sized family because you don't want to have to many siblings 
Q4. Do you have any family traditions? (Holidays, fun activities etc)
every year we go camping  
Q5. How often do you spend time with your grandparents? Do you think it's important to spend time with them?
i don't get to spend time with my grandparents because they live hours away from us  
Q6. What's the best piece of advice a family member has given you?
i don't know 
Q7. Share a story about your family. What's something interesting or funny we can learn about them?
i don't have one 
Q8. Kid President has a list of 10 things every Mum needs to know. What would you add to the list? i don't know 


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